Sunday, April 10, 2011

Real Estate is PERSONAL

Every day we get are bombarded with data & statistics. Housing demand is up, then housing demand is down; more job losses, then unemployment is improving; foreclosures, short sales, housing inventory, interest rate movements and much more. It’s enough to make anyone’s head spin! There’s an old saying that claims: “All real estate is local”. I believe that means that we should looks at individual neighborhoods, (like Woodbridge for example), or even tracts within neighborhoods, (there are 40 tracts in Woodbridge), rather than look at the whole US market as reported on TV. How can the average or mean numbers in the whole country be even close to the numbers in one tract in one neighborhood? It’s very unlikely, don’t you agree? When prices are falling nationally, there are some places where prices are holding steady or rising. Look at the real estate section of today’s OC Register & see for yourself. I also believe that even that old saying is too broad. Buying a home isn’t a local phenomenon….it is a personal one. It’s the same as the economy. Even though the US of A has been going through a national downturn, a lot of peeps are having their best years ever. I agree that unemployment and foreclosure are tragic realities and things to be aware of, (let’s not stick our head in the sand like ostriches), but for those of us not in those situations, we need to make decisions that will best serve our personal goals. To that end, I am confident that is a great time to buy a home because: (1) Historic low interest rates make more house more affordable, (2) There’s a huge amount of available inventory, and (3) Finally home prices are back in line with income levels again. I believe that it’s also a terrific time to sell. Correctly priced homes are selling almost immediately. Sure you wish you had sold in January 2007, but remember that sellers become buyers. When you buy your next home, you’ll get the advantages that buyers are enjoying now, as well.

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