Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Woodbridge South Lake This Morning!

As I rounded the corner on my usual morning walk to South Lake, I had to stop and stare. The mountains looked amazing - all covered with snow. I'd figured there'd be snow on the mountains after yesterday's hail and rain-storm in Woodbridge, but I wasn't expecting anything so beautiful.
Of course I rushed back home to grab my camera, and when I returned, two other walkers, (or joggers - I can't be sure), had also stopped to admire the breathtaking view. One asked me why on earth anyone would choose to live anywhere else in Irvine, but here in Woodbridge?
I answered that I honestly did not know, and told her that I'd post the photos onto my website http://www.woodbridgeirvine.com/ and she was welcome to download them from there.
That invitation is extended to you too! Enjoy!

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